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tv   Hannity  FOX News  October 1, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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and we will do a segment. we want to get you involved more with "the factor." again, thank you for joining us, i'm bill o'reilly. please remember that the spins right here, because we are definitely looking out for you. >> at midnight last night, for the first time in 17 years, the republicans in congress chose to shut down the federal government. >> we have a matter of days, but hours left to prevent our government from shutting down. >> no one is shutting down the government except the president. >> stop trying to force the government shutdown. >> it is time for the senate to listen to the american people. this republican shutdown did not have to happen. and i want every american to understand why it did happen. >> that is what this fight is all about. i talked to the president earlier tonight. i'm not going to negotiate. >> the proof is washington house
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republicans, because they have lost their minds. >> clearly, the senate has demonstrated that it is not willing to engage in the legislative process. >> this is their way of saying we are going to have a new order here. >> they have shut down the government over an ideological crusade to deny the affordable care act for millions of americans, in other words, they are doing a ransom. >> it is not about me, or the republicans in congress. it is about fairness for the american people. and welcome back to "hannity," it is day one of the obama shutdown, and at this point there appears to be no end in sight. democrats refusing to negotiate with anyone, so tonight, we have a live studio audience, financial experts and much more to weigh in on the latest developments of washington. but before we bring them in, there is another story we need
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to tell you about. today is also day one of the obama care president exchange disaster. that is his health care plan, in particular. now, the health care system and the health insurance exchanges that the administration has now had three years to plan for this day and they could not have launched it in a worse way. now, our friends over at national review on line have come up with a "100 unintended consequences," throughout the hour check the bottom of the screen. off it will delay what they have learned about the health care law. now, let's turn to the audience, day one, all right, who thinks this is a good thing for the country? hands up. all right, joe trippy, shocker. who thinks that after three years it is an embarrassment the way it was launched today with all the glitches? joe trippy? >> what, now? >> is it not an embarrassment --
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you couldn't even get on this thing. >> look, it is going to have glitches. there has been no launch of any new tack or anything that has not had glitches on the first day. it is going to do that. they say six months, people have six months. and by the way, it is only a small number of americans, actually, 30 million that are going to be going to these exchanges. it is not everybody. 85% of people who get health insurance already will stay on their plans. >> all right, let's -- >> by the way, that is not true, that is not true. what he said is not true. because what is going to happen, you know that, employers providing health coverage that people like right now are going to drop their coverage and dump people into the -- >> 180 million americans -- >> he said if you like your health care plan, you keep it. a lot of people are not -- >> he said -- he said 85% could
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keep it. >> no, no, 15% don't, 30 million americans don't have health insurance, they're the ones that are going to be going to the exchanges. and by the way, you're paying for them right now, because -- >> if that was your health care on day one, is that a glitch? >> get a copy of the americans who are uninsured. talking about companies, let's just give a round of applause to walmart who has embraced this law and moved 35,000 of their workers from part-time to full-time status, because unlike congress who understands that obama care will -- thank you, walmart. >> we'll get back to this, i promise. both of you, and jedadiah, i know you want to weigh in. first, they say they're going to de-fund, then delay, then send the bills to the senate, and then eliminate special exemptions. and then they said let's go to conference, the president said i shouldn't have to offer anything. does that make them responsible?
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how many say no? doug -- if the republicans offered to de-fund, eliminate, exemptions, and then go to conference, how is it not -- they're funding the government in every other regard, how is it their fault? >> it is their fault because the law is the law of the land. it was passed. and the way our system works, is laws are put into place, if you want to fight you fight at the ballot box. shaun, the democrats have basically won this fight, despite the fact that obama care is unpopular. i'm here to say with two thirds of the american people, unhappy with the obama care. the shutdown is the only way the democrats have a 10% lead in the generic vote. >> i keep hearing this, it is the law of the land. peter johnson, you're a lawyer, don't we overturn bad laws all the time? isn't there a constitutional -- >> all the time, the reason we
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have a government shutdown, i'm sorry to say it, is because the president of the united states has forced a g shutdown. when the president of the united states, when the head of the united states senate will not sit down with republicans in this country and discuss the defects of one of the biggest pieces of legislation in our history and the impact that it is going to have, and say it is my way or the highway, it is my rule, or i'll ruin you. that is wrong, that is unamerican, and that is what -- >> that is to say, that the senate leader and the president would not be sitting down. the senate has tried to compromise 18 times. >> not true. >> the senate has tried to compromise. and then the house republicans are saying you won't sit down and compromise with us? keeping the government open is their job. >> i won't negotiate is not i wouldn't compromise -- >> have you ever been at a negotiating table where one party comes and says unless i get this i'm going to burn the whole thing down. >> nobody said burn, that is
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hyperbole in the extreme. i sit down every day with the executive and legislative branches. this one man says i'm a tyrant and i don't have any room to negotiate. >> can i ask you a question? who is the party responsible -- >> i think it is barack obama. >> the party that hates government. that is the very party -- >> hang on. >> don't pepper us with lies. >> one at a time. because they offered to de-fund, then they said all right, we'll delay and get rid of the special exemptions. they said let's talk about it and they wouldn't even talk. >> you know here is what is fascinating, everybody says oh, it is the law now. barack obama seems to think it is jello, because he exchange changed it so many times, exemption after exemption, delay after delay, and waiver after waiver. and suddenly, it is the law of the land written in stone. what americans are getting upset with, i think even the reflection of this debate, which
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they know already their premiums have gone up. they know they were lied to. they know they were not told what it was going to be. if you have been on the exchanges, one thing when you're on that, you get the bronze health care plan, you notice a 35% reduction, and these are the people who don't have insurance. who has five grand, six grand you need for the hospitals. they're finding out it is not even doable. >> they have been lied to by the republicans, why do i say that? because for three years in a row, health care costs in this country have gone down. it never happened before. doug is absolutely right, the republicans managed to snatch defeat, with the majority of people opposed to obama care, they could have forced negotiations. >> i have a question, let me ask you this, let me ask you a question, hang on a second. didn't the president -- wait a second, didn't the president say that the average family was going to save $2500 a year. did he say that?
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>> yes, he did. >> now, we now have actuary studies that show in 46 states that the premiums for people that were supposed to save $2500 are going up significantly on average as a 10,000 -- >> obama care. >> can i finish my question, on average, a $10,000 swing. so a $10,000 swing. so i want to understand from your point of view does it matter to you that the president's promise broken? >> i think it matters that we ought to let this law take effect. optimize it, exchange it, 100s of thousands of americans are taking advantage of the law -- >> you're not answering my question. >> you saw what was in it. >> first, health care costs have not decreased, the gross decrease, entirely different, number two, entirely due to the recession, the bulk of obama care has not taken effect yet,
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so to attribute the slower health care costs to that is untrue. >> it is like saying the huge increases that are not implemented. health care was going to go up, it goes up. it is -- the obama care has bent the cost down. that is the first time. >> joe, if you and i had a difference. >> we don't have any differences, ever. >> if we had a difference, wouldn't you and i go in a room and hash it out? how does he get away with that? >> here is what is interesting about that. the senate passed the budget and the house passed a budget. it was the republicans who did not -- it was john boehner who did not send conferees -- so then at 11:55 last night, then, and only then did john boehner say -- and let me do one thing else. it is kind of out there to -- to vote for repeal. 41 times, let's repeal obama
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care 41 times, then say here is the continuing resolution that kills obama care. but we're not the ones who shot down the government. >> and we'll be back with the live studio audience in a few minutes, but first when we come back, senator rand paul joins me on the government shutdown. later, the democratic congressman gutierrez will join us to explain why his colleagues even refused to come to the negotiating table to even talk with the lawmakers. that as our very quiet, mellow studio audience continues. [ coughs, sneezes ]
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and welcome back to "hannity" now, and we'll bring back our studio audience, but first, the name-calling after last night's shutdown, take a look. >> it is embarrassing that these people who are elected to represent the country are representing the tea party. the anarchists of the country, the majority that the republicans in the house are following every step of the way. >> we are for heading off spending and not for negotiating with people with a bomb strapped to their chest.
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>> an attempt by republicans to extort from him what they could not get through the legislative process, what they could not get at the ballot box, what they could not get at the supreme court of the united states. >> this is playing with fire. legislative arsonists are at work. >> pretty incredible just a reminder over the course of the next hour with the help of "national review on line," we're going to repemind you about the unintended consequences of obama care. but first, rand paul with us, what is your reaction to that? predictable? >> you know, i think when they come forward with such hyp hyperbole, we're in charge of the perks, in charge of deciding how it is spent and whether it is spent appropriately. and that means that laws, even
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previously passed laws have to be judged on their merits and given funding proportional to their merits. and i think that is exactly what we're doing now. so i don't quite understand what they're talking about when they call us anarchists? >> yes, and by the way, that is just the beginning of it. so let me ask this, the house, they first go de-fund, then they go delay. and they say all right, no special exemptions for anybody. and that is just sent back without any real debate in the signal lig senate. and then president obama says no, he will talk to iran and vladimir putin. how do we ever get out of this, if that is their posture. >> you know, there are a couple of important points, the president says he wants it his way or the highway, one of the under-reported stories is 85% of the government is being funded. two thirds of the government is social security, medicare, all
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of that is going on. we agreed yesterday, harry reid came forward when we asked him to. we want to prevent veterans from seeing monuments so we're going to fund all of that tomorrow. but actually, they're doing it tonight. and we'll do it later tonight or in the morning. but we're trying to fund government and they're trying to stop any funding because they think it is a parlor game and they will win politically. it is an untenable position. >> i think it is untenable, everything you point out, all the essential items that are being funded, the house is passing all the rest of the funding for government. so at some point it seems this is the obama/reid shutdown, they thought they would score political points, they must be reading polls, right? >> i think what is going on,
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we've offered different compromises. i have been acknowledging as i have talked to you in the past couple of months, we may not get everything we want. we tried to get complete de-funding, the democrats said no. we now sort of softened our position to say, let's make obama care less bad. and they're not even willing to accept any modification except that the president is willing to modify it illegally, without the approval of congress. but even the smallest modification, even delaying the individual mandate, this inability to negotiate that i think ultimately the american people are going to say who is being reasonable here? i think the republicans are being very reasonable? i think they gave four separate proposals, how they can be blamed for a government shutdown is beyond me, but you know what? the american people will think what they will. i think the worst outcome for
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the republicans at this point, as they have been totally unreasonable, reid, unreasonable, is to cave. that means if they sit this out for a month or two months, how long the president wants to be arrogant, just sit it out. what do you think? >> i think people should say, we're willing to fund the entire government even on obama care. we're willing, i am at least, to compromise, if you won't agree to de-funding it, can you at least agree to keeping it less bad? but we're going to keep at it every day, and keep trying to de-fund it. if he wants to take care of the wounded sur -- soldiers when they come home, or the president wants to veto that, by all means, let him come forward and explain why he is shutting the government down and not letting the americans have their special benefits. >> they won't even negotiate on
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that. they want special exemptions, don't you think it is time that the republicans in the house, that that should be the last offer in terms of they should stop negotiating with themselves, considering they were getting no feedback? >> well, i think the offers from here on out, we're willing to fund parts of the government and keep offering every day new parts of the government. and if harry reid and the president wants to keep the parks closed, i mean, did you read the story today? some idiot in the government sent goons out there to set up barricades so they couldn't see the monument. people spent hours setting up barricades where there are never barricades, to prevent them from seeing the monuments, to play a charade, that is ridiculous, they are just not serious about this. they like the shutdown. >> all right, rand paul, good to see you, senator, thank you for joining us. thanks, sean. and coming up, we have the take on the shutdown, i'm going
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to ask congressman gutierrez why his party refuses to even talk to the gop. he joins us live coming up at the break. and joining us also the live studio audience as this special edition of "hannity" continues. ♪ man: [ laughs ] those look like baby steps now. but they were some pretty good moves.
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and welcome back to "hannity" now, in just a few minutes we'll go back to our live studio audience, and national review put together a list of 100 unintended consequences of obama care. we'll share them with you throughout the hour. but first, we just heard from senator rand paul on where they stand on the government shutdown. now, we'll get reaction from the other side, congressman luis gutierrez joins us, good to see you. >> good to see you, sean. >> all right, the republicans offered four offers to de-fund, delay -- i want to talk about the final offer they made. and that was to get rid of the subsidies, the exemption, the special treatment you guys in congress are getting. and also if big business gets an exemption, that would also apply to the individuals. tell me why you would be against that. is that fair? >> here is what i think, i think
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we should just have a clean continuing resolution. it is what it is, sean. it allows us to fund the government so we can have a budget to fund our government on a long-term basis. it is what it is. i don't think that members are congress are receiving any -- listen, i've been 21 years in the congress of the united states. i pay my $485 like any other employee, the health care like i receive. i pay like any other person. >> congressman, you are getting 72% subsidy that the rest of americans are not getting. that is 72%, wait, wait, that is a special gift perk you gave yourself. republicans are saying take it away, and if big business gets an exemption, others should too. >> i didn't like the affordable care act because i didn't think it went far enough, i almost
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voted against it. >> did i ask you that, no. >> it is very clear we got one republican to vote for it and then the republicans voted him out of office. and so it is very clear they don't want health care. health care has nothing to do with the continuing resolution. they got the continuing resolution -- sean, in my district today in new york, 4,000 people signed up. 4,000 people went to the website, they need health care, i'm going to fight so they can have health care. that is why i went to congress. >> 2 to 1, cnn, their poll shows that americans think that obama care will hurt their families. now, i want to go back to my original question. you get a special subsidy as a congressman, and all your fellow congressmen and senators, they get that. big business gets that, the republicans said get rid of the special exemptions, why do you support that? why do you think you're above the american people? >> no, i think we should be
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treated equal to the american people. and i want to make sure that everybody else in my congressional district has the same access to health care and that every member of congress has. >> congressman, you're just ducking and dodging, you're getting 72% subsidy. >> sean, sean, i have the same ability to join the health care system that anybody on my staff, that any one at the capital -- sean, that anyone on that the capitol hill police officers have, the tsa agent has, the federal employee. i enjoy the same system that they do. and i want that opportunity for everybody in my congressional district, sean, sean, i signed up. i filled out the paper. >> no, you don't. 72% of it is paid. why do i have to educate a lawmaker on your law that you passed? >> sean, i am so sorry that you are so misinformed. >> i get what other -- >> let's -- how many agree that that is true? that they get a 72% subsidy?
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joe trippy, put that hand up, you know that it is true. all right, so let me ask you this. why does big business get a year exemption and not individuals? is that fair, congressman? >> you know, i think it is important when we see that there are developments at the federal government and that obama will be able to do that -- >> i asked you a question, i'll say it slowly so you understand. why does big business get a one-year exemption, and not individuals? >> sean, there are nearly 50 million americans who i want to have a better quality of life. and i want them to have the same access to health care that i, my wife and my family have as a member of congress. >> you sound like a broken record, i heard that already. but let me ask you the question, why does big business get an exemption -- why does big business get a one-year exemption? >> look, sean, i believe in same-sex marriage and i think it should apply to them. i believe we should have handgun
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control and ak-47 -- but i don't put those things into a continuing resolution and say i'm going to shut down the government because i don't get those things, one thing has nothing to do with the other. >> i will ask you the question again, people want to know this. why does big business get an exemption and why shouldn't in fairness it be given to the american people? >> here is what i think, obama is very considerate and looking at business and making sure that they are able to get into it. now, in terms of the individuals today, 70,000 people went on the website in illinois, 4,000 signed up. i want them to continue to sign up. i have tens of thousands -- >> just so i'm clear, so obama is considerate, that is what you are saying. >> the big business interests are being hurt by obama care, you're always saying, they come to table, saying we need a consideration, i wish everybody
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could go to the same. i cannot respond for everything that president obama, you know are as well as i that i have been very critical of this administration and have stood up to it time and time again. you're going to have to have the administration explain to you why they do things that they do. >> hell will freeze over. i'm trying to get an answer out of you. we're trying, things are sure to get heated. we're going to turn things back over to that live. what a good looking audience, they will respond to what both rand paul said and congressman gutierrez just said. and the government shutdown. go to hannitylive @ share your thoughts, straight ahead. you need a permit... to be this awesome. and from national.
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much the same as the other i keep getting the error page, i won't let me go pass the number -- i've been able to set up my account. i was in the process of verifying my identity and tried to set up my identity. it just started ringing again, i wouldn't go anywhere. but i haven't reached a person yet, we're 15 minutes in now. we probably spent almost 20 minutes on the phone now. we started about 35 minutes ago. so at this point i'm going to hang up and call it a day. if i were signing up for myself, this is where my patients would be exhausted. >> wow, you can't make this up. there you have it. that was an nbc anchor earlier today trying to sign up for the new health care exchanges, but after 30 minutes she gave up. it kind of speaks wonders, doesn't it? >> absolutely, it speaks
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volumes, some of us said this law is not ready for prime time, and now we see it is not. i have to de-bunk the point about republicans not liking government. no, we're trying to keep it within its governmental limits, we're trying to keep it in check, the republicans are standing with the will of the american majority and are somehow taking the heat of it. and people are saying we don't like government. we have been trying to fund the government in every possible way, battling harry reid. if he doesn't want to compromise he won't compromise, and where was barack obama's compromise when he shoved this law down everybody's throat with no democratic support? were the republicans calling for him to compromise? or doesn't it only matter when the republicans bend to what he wants? >> in 2012 he won by 5 million votes. so if the american people were so sure that what he was doing
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was so awful, they wouldn't have elected him. this is the first day of the national exchange. you guys are acting like -- >> for months, more than after the country -- >> slow down, there are going to be technical glitches. you guys are being unrealistic. calm down for a second, give it a month -- >> let's talk about the polling on obama care, the polling on obama care does consistently say that huge numbers of americans are unhappy with the law. 67 are independent, with the cnn poll. the problem is, is it worth the government shutdown, and even if republicans said hey, we sent this bill and that bill over to harry reid. if the government has not re opened, who is going to bear the brunt of the blame? i am gravely concerned that doug is right. and that it will be republicans. i would love to see, there is so much conservative energy, and i would love to see it channelled.
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let's try to get al franken out -- >> if president obama has a problem, tell him the truth. when you go back to day one, he said you're going to be able to keep your insurance policy, period. that is what he said, period. you're going to be able to keep your doctor, period. sean, i got 2,000 e-mails from my readers, listeners, saying they're losing their health insurance policies and losing their doctors and the new insurance policies are costing them more money. the president lied to the american people, period. >> he misrepresented. >> i think one reason president obama has not negotiated, he thinks he has the stronger hand. he says yes, it is unpopular, but the government shutdown is more unpopular. he is looking at polls saying the republicans will get blamed more for the shutdown than democrats. i think what obama sees is a split opposition which i don't think is working to the
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advantage of the gop. he says a ted cruz faction, he sees a leadership faction at loggerheads right now, using it to his advantage, saying let them fight it out. i don't have to negotiate. >> go ahead. >> in the short-term that may hurt the republicans in the very short-term, but longer term, the health care, and how much it is going up, that is also taking into consideration that a 27-year-old healthy person is going the sign up. why would they seen up if they can get out of it for $25? me, at 27, i was not signing up for health insurance. >> they did a study, in other states their premiums are going up 25% -- >> if they make 50,000 a year -- >> can i just throw something out there. let's just say -- let's just say the road is out there, that maybe the republicans have been campaigning on this law failing for the last couple of years. just throwing it out there. and maybe they have been. and they have done everything they possibly can to de-fund it,
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not let the money go through, to not let the law work as it was supposed to. what if people like it? what does that do to republican correct? what if it goes into effect and they like it? >> you work in this business, how can they screw it up so bad. only government is capable about that. >> this is not all about republicans and what they have campaigned against, obama policy will have the negative impacts on the american people. it is not about republicans winning or democrats losing. insurance that premiums will increase. >> what to me should be even more embarrassing than the glitches, sean, is the amount of ignorance in the young people. these man on the street interviews that the press has been doing with the people that obama needs to make the math work on this. the millennias and those folks have no idea, after three years they have no idea on how to educate themselves. >> here is the last big problem,
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he said he wanted everybody to get health care. there is a difference, and people have to realize that having health insurance is not getting health care. and when you go to the california exchange, there is a big warning like on a pack of cigarettes. if you actually utilize health care, these numbers will go up disastrously. if there is an actual warning. so remember you may have a piece of paper that says you have health insurance, good luck finding a doctor and finding health care. >> we'll see you when we come back, when we come back, we'll have more with our studio audience, plus, a group of republicans took matters in their own hands to honor their nation. we have exclusive video here on "hannity" next. lling in for officer owens. she used double miles from her capital one venture card to take an early vacation. buckle up. let's go do cop stuff. [ siren chirps ] license and venture card, ma'am. was i going too fast? oh, you'd be going twice as fast if you had double miles. [ male announcer ] get away fast
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and welcome back to "hannity," it was a sight to be remembered in washington. it all happened because the world war ii memorial was barricaded and closed off to visitors as a result of the obama/reid shutdown. now, we obtained this exclusive video you will only see here on "hannity." now republican lawmakers stood with the veterans who paid to see the memorial. only arriving to see tape.
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after arriving after speaking to president obama, and along with several other lawmakers, they decided to honor the veterans and defy the law. they took a unanimous vote and decided to break through the barrier. we bring back our studio audience, great job, todd stearns. >> demanding that the government get reopened. that is exactly what the problem is. if you want to know why the government website shut down, because there were so many people -- so much demand for health care. >> steve moore. >> i want to respond to what you are saying about the congress saying we want to provide 30 million people with health care, because that is what they want. what the american people really want right now are jobs, there are 20 million people who don't have a job. i can't tell you how many
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businessmen and women that i talk to across the country who say obama care is the single bigge bigge biggest detriment to creating jobs, so we are destroying jobs, joe trippy and i agree if we get rid of that tax on the medical devices we could put 250,000 more americans to work, let's start with that. >> i want to talk to peter on this -- you know, you look at the companies saying you can only work 28 hours, that is not going to help job creation. this is one of the biggest impacts. >> no, the statistics show that obama care will be a job killer. obama care, we talked about the device tax. that will be a terrible burden on this country. the people sitting at home right now, in their beds, on the couch in an easy chair they have to understand that they live in a country now where a president says to the republican
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leadership in this country, i will not speak to you. i will not speak to you under any circumstances. even under penalty of shutting this government down. that is the dysfunction. that is the dysfunction we're demonstrating to the world. >> peter, he will talk to iran and russia and syria, but not republicans? >> every enemy in the world, but when it comes to talking to a brother or sister republican he will not talk. and that is why we're in the position we're in. >> doug, why are you complaining about that? >> i am not complaining about the problem with president obama and negotiating. i'm complaining about everybody. i don't like obama care. and i don't like republicans putting a gun to the congress and the president. but sean, let me finish. >> so saying that the laws, the extra benefits that congress gets and saying that big business, that individuals should get the same exception, that is a gun? you're going to use that analogy. >> shutting the government down,
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the debt ceiling, the republicans said let's put everything on the table and talk. forget intransigence, steve moore, where is the pro growth of the republican party? it doesn't exist. >> the republican party has been talking about pro-free market solutions to health care for months. no one is trying to take anyone's health care away. they have been out there talking about policies, purchasing insurance across state lines, pro-competition, broadening options, lowering costs. the fact that no one wanted to listen to that is not the problem. but obama care is the problem. >> kristin in the back. >> what surprised me the most about the president's actions on this, this is an opportunity where the poll numbers do look really grisly for republicans, so by coming out and saying i'm not even going to come out and talk to congressional republicans, that is what they're banking on.
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i'm not optimistic that it will, but -- >> >> two polls have it at a 3-point difference, blaming each equally. but if the republicans keep passing bill after bill to fund the government, how do you blame them? >> you blame them simply because they are not willing to do a clean resolution. the american people want the government open, period. then you can fight about obama care. >> but there is no -- >> so fight about that. that is where you make political points. >> and we'll continue. straight ahead. [ male announcer ] when it comes to doing what you love, more is better. that's why we designed the all-new nissan versa note, with more technology, to get you into, and out of, tight spots. and more space so that you always have your favorite stuff. and, just for good measure, an incredibly efficient 40 mpg highway. so that when you're doing more, you're spending less. the all-new nissan versa note. your door to more. now get a $139 per month lease on a 2014 nissan versa note.
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[ morty ] i'm listening! i want you to know. and welcome back to "hannity," now, throughout the hour we have been going through several -- several e-mails of unintended consequences. >> sean, i have to say it
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saddens me -- >> don't look so sad. >> the level of selfishness on this panel. every single one of us has already benefitted from obama care. the fact that we have no lifetime caps anymore. insurance companies can't kick us off. we no longer have to deal with pre-existing conditions. wait a second, let me finish. all of these benefits that we have benefitted from, people who have health insurance, now the exchanges have kicked in. this is about the americans who were uninsured, and they finally have access to new, easy and secure affordable health care. >> what is really selfish and arrogant is a president of the united states who thinks he no longer has to negotiate. there is a legislative branch, my plan is dr. price's plan -- my turn, you were calling names, i'm trying to have a conversation. >> what are your plans? >> i can fix it a lot faster than you. what is sad is a president who will not negotiate, a president
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who doesn't think the legislative branch matters and a president who has no real care for the people in this country who are going to be a part of this train wreck and it is a disaster. >> my heart breaks for those supporters of obama who thought this was going to be easy health care. you will have a piece of paper that says you have health insurance, good luck finding a doctor. >> all right, we don't have you guys in the front here -- >> i love where you're coming from here, why should i be so happy about this? because my health insurance is going to go up, as my country grows -- >> that is the country we live in -- >> i should be happy because of that. i'm paying more money. so let me -- sean, let me offer a way out. there is -- one thing that is very clear. i think we can all agree, tammy, that there is plenty of blame to go around. there is a very clear, simple solution to this, what is that? boehner should put up a clean cr, it would pass, everybody -- let me finish, please, and in
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consideration for that the senate should agree to vote on the repeal of tmedical excise tax, which would pass and then we can move on, that is a way out. >> that is what the americans want. >> jason? >> republicans don't have the votes in the senate. they need to pick battle the they can win, i think they could win on the medical device tax and on the vitter amendment which says make the middle class do the same -- >> if we figure out the presidential caddy is a nonessential employment -- >> the resolution -- there is a way the resolution will work if the republicans only seize victory from the jaws of defeat. >> this is not about polls, this is about principle, and leadership. and a president who leads us out of this and stops the blame game. stop the big, big game.
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>> the republican party is at risk of becoming a regional party. we have been seeing this trend. and if the republican party continues to fight the fight they can't win -- >> thank you all. give yourself a big hand, that is all the time we have left. greta is up next. tonight, two bikers under arrest. that is, after a wild pack of motorcyclists terrorize a young family, chasing their suv all over the highway, one motorcycle cuts off the suv, causing a collision, next, the rest of the cyclists come to a complete stop on the highway, blocking the suv's path. and then when some of the bikers start to attack therover, it takes off bouncing over at least another motorcyclist. the motorcyclist gives chase, forcing the suv to stop near the george washington bridge. next, the


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